Do you need a stylist?


Many people thinks stylists are only for the rich and famous or red carpet events. In fact, stylists are for people who want to celebrate their bodies and feel beautiful every day of the week. If you hire a dentist to help you take care of your teeth and a hairdresser to help you take care of your hair, why not hire a stylist to help you take care of your wardrobe?

See if any of the following scenarios resonate with you:

Do you skip social occasions because you feel like you have nothing appropriate to wear or worse, you stand in front of your closet full of clothes thinking you have nothing to wear?

Once you work with a stylist to build a well balanced wardrobe you always have something to wear to every occasion — and it will be something you love!

Do you have a stylish friend who you try to copy, however you have totally different body types?

We help you learn your silhouette and the most flattering cuts for your body type and you then have the skills to recreate your friends look that you liked so much in a way that flatters you best!

When you go shopping, do you purchase pieces only to go home and decide to return them?

As you learn what pieces work for you, you will shop with a confidence and a targeted list. Did you know that any new piece you purchase, for example a top, should go with 3 other items in your closet, not including denim. A new top that matches your favorite capri pants, a basic skirt and your most flattering cardigan will create multiple outfits effortlessly!

Are you busy all week and the last thing you want to do on a weekend is go clothes shopping?

Stylists will shop for you! You would be amazed at our ability to find pieces that fit and flatter. All of the fun, none of the hassle!

On the rare occasions you have felt like you looked good, you had a great day. Do you dare to dream this is possible for everyday?

It can be! Wardrobe building is a lost art and we can help you rediscover it. Our clothing ID Essential list is the starting point to a closet full of clothing that flatters. No more guess work — if it’s in the closet, it flatters your figure. Grab and go in style!

We are here to teach you the science of style.

Start with a silhouette consult with one of our stylists to learn what cuts flatter your body type. Get Unfoldid.