New Year, New You: 4 Styling Tips for the New Year

Once again, it's that time of year for setting resolutions, goals, and challenges which we may - or may not stick to- for the New Year!

We think that your wardrobe deserves the best this new year too. It is important to know what items are worth saving, which ones should be thrown in the donation pile, and what's missing in your wardrobe. Easier said than done, right? Here are our stylists top tips to prep your wardrobe for all the new year has to offer. 

  1. Make Some Room

We’re all guilty of holding onto certain pieces in our wardrobes, in the vein of  "maybe I'll need it"... but you never wear it. Get rid of the styles that don’t work for your silhouette (they just aren’t flattering or don’t fit quite right), that you haven't worn in “over a year” (you didn’t wear it even when you had the perfect opportunity), or that are no longer in style (time to let go!) . This will help declutter, organize, and make room for new pieces!


2. Shop Smarter

Once you learn and understand how to best dress for your unique silhouette, you are on your way to shopping smarter! Your purchases will reflect your awareness of the styles and shapes that fit and your body type. This will ultimately limit unnecessary spending by avoiding certain clothing items that don't work for you.


3. Identify Trends vs. Fads

Knowing the difference between trends and fads may make you think twice when making new purchases. A fad usually rises and falls in popularity quickly whereas a trend gets stronger over time and sticks around. Focus on selecting items that can be worn in a variety of ways that will expand your wardrobe over time.


4. Get on the Right Track Today

Check out our amazing time-saving and life-changing Closet Editing services for all your fashion-resolution needs!

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!