Unfoldid’s Guide to Avoiding Outfit Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue is when your mind is so overwhelmed with making choices, it starts to resist making even the simplest day-to-day ones. We’re using decision fatigue here to explain how we can get stuck wearing the same thing (or similar color, cuts, and styles) everyday in an attempt to avoid making decisions when getting dressed. This can easily happen to the best of us when the clothing we own isn’t right for our lifestyle and silhouette.

We’re here to help! Here are four simple styling tips to help you avoid decision fatigue without compromising your personal style and wardrobe.

Edit your closet


Not sure where or how to start tackling a closet full of clothes that you never wear or are unsure of how to style? Here are seven questions to help you refine your wardrobe. As you analyze each piece in your closet, ask yourself:

1. Does it fit? If yes, does it fit in a way that follows the rules for your body type? If no, can it be tailored?

2. Is it worn out or poor quality? Does it have pilling, a hole or stain, faded areas, frayed edges, bad seams or sagging drape?

3. Is it out-dated? E.g. bad vintage, sad 80’s, a collar that will never be back in.

4. Do you wear it regularly? If you haven’t worn it for a year, it may be the wrong fit or you have too many of the same item. Keep it only if it is a special occasion item.

5. Do you feel awkward or self-conscious wearing it? If so, it probably does not fit your Style Personality and you will never feel good in it!

6. Is it physically uncomfortable? If it tugs or itches and can’t be fixed, let it go.

7. Is the color and pattern right for you? If it is out of proportion with your frame or does not flatter your coloring, let it go.


Create snapshots

Capture your perfect looks! Whenever you love an outfit you've pieced together for any occasion, take a photo. With organized looks, you’ll spend virtually no time, energy, or thought on which outfit to wear next!

When you work with an Unfoldid stylist, you can store photos of your complete outfits in your Unfoldid app, making dressing and packing simple everyday!


Shop smarter


Once you understand your Style ID and how to best dress for your silhouette, you are on your way to shopping smarter! Your purchases will reflect your awareness of the styles and shapes that fit and are flattering for your body type.

This will limit unnecessary spending by avoiding purchasing items that don't work for your body type or for your closet. Instead you will shop smart and spend money on the right pieces that anchor your wardrobe and create endless outfit combinations.

Knowing the difference between trends and fads may make you think twice when making new purchases. A fad usually rises and falls in popularity quickly whereas a trend gets stronger over time and sticks around. Be sure to select items that can be worn in a variety of ways that will expand your wardrobe over time. And of course, any trend should also fit your own personal Style ID.

With a little creativity, your current closet can be transformed into a wardrobe of stylish outfits.

In addition to exploring fashionable new ways to wear and pair items you already own, let us help you make sure your closet contains the basic foundation pieces you need in your wardrobe for everyday or any occasion.