Style Your Dresses for Winter

There is nothing more difficult than getting dressed for work or an event when it feels below zero outside. For those hectic and cold mornings when you want to appear put together but have little time, a chic dress can do the trick! It’s the one piece that’s easy to throw on that looks totally planned out. We’re showing you 3 ways on how to style a great dress into your winter wardrobe.

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Unfoldid's Capsule Wardrobe Concepts

Recently in the news, NASA reported on Tuesday that it had to cancel its planned first ever all-female spacewalk because the agency did not have enough spacesuits that fit the astronauts. At Unfoldid, we don’t believe in letting clothing get in the way of your life! Having the right things in your closet means you are prepared for any event or occasion.

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Workplace Dress Codes for Men in 2022

In today's Boston workplaces, dress codes are more lax than they have been in a few years. With the ever changing standards and styles, it’s easy to be confused as to what business casual even means. Which makes for an even bigger challenge of what to wear to make an impression. We hear you and we got you.

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How To Wear Leather Pants for a Daytime Look

Leather-look pants have been gaining popularity for some time now. The trend is usually associated with dressier and more evening-appropriate outfits, but there are a number of stylish ways to wear leather pants during the day. Keep reading to learn how to style, see our stylists outfit inspirations and where to shop.

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How to Create an Elevated Look for Less

There’s a time to splurge and a time not to bother. The good news is that accessible fast fashion allows us to indulge in the look of high-end styles without intimidating price tags. However, there is something to be said about acquiring quality pieces that earn their price tag through cost per wear. We show you which pieces to invest in and which trends to avoid spending too much on.

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Back To School Looks for The Whole Family 2022!

The first day of school outfit sets the tone for the rest of the year, so it's important to kick it off in style with the latest trends. And let’s face it, back to school trends are fun to watch and give everyone in the family insights into fall trends. As you hit the stores for the kids clothes and school supplies keep an eye out for pieces to inspire your own look too.

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6 Must-Haves to Pack and Wear for a Memorial Day Weekend Away

It’s almost time for the three-day (or maybe even four-day, if you’re lucky!) weekend! Whether you’re heading to Cape Cod, Maine, Washington, D.C., or somewhere else, packing the right outfits and accessories for the weekend is critical. You don’t want to be too hot, too cold, too fancy, or too casual– we’ll help you get it just right!

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